JoyDoc property reference and descriptions
- Full JSON
- Document Properties
- File Properties
- Page Properties
- Field Position Properties
- Field Properties
Object{ //Document
identifier: String,
group: String,
type: String,
stage: String,
name: String,
files: Array[
Object{ //File
identifier: String,
name: String,
styles: Object
pages: Array[
Object{ //Page
identifier: String,
name: String,
width: Number,
height: Number,
cols: Number,
rowHeight: Number,
layout: String,
presentation: String,
backgroundImage: String,
margin: Number,
padding: Number,
borderWidth: Number,
borderColor: String,
borderStyle: String,
fieldPositions: Array[
Object{ //Field Position
_id: String,
field: String,
type: String,
displayType: String,
width: Number,
height: Number,
x: Number,
y: Number,
condition: String,
targetValue: String,
targetValueDisplayType: String,
customTrueTargetDisplayValue: String,
customFalseTargetDisplayValue: String,
invertBooleanCondition: Boolean,
rowIndex: Number,
column: String,
primaryDisplayOnly: Boolean,
primaryMaxWidth: Number,
primaryMaxHeight: Number,
maxImageWidth: Number,
maxImageHeight: Number,
titleFontSize: Number,
titleFontColor: String,
titleFontStyle: String,
titleFontWeight: String,
titleTextAlign: String,
titleTextTransform: String,
titleTextDecoration: String,
lineHeight: Number,
fontSize: Number,
fontColor: String,
fontStyle: String,
fontWeight: String,
textAlign: String,
textTransform: String,
textDecoration: String,
textOverflow: String,
padding: Number,
borderColor: String,
borderRadius: Number,
borderWidth: Number,
backgroundColor: String,
zIndex: Number,
columnTitleFontSize: Number,
columnTitleFontColor: String,
columnTitleFontStyle: String,
columnTitleFontWeight: String,
columnTitleTextAlign: String,
columnTitleTextTransform: String,
columnTitleTextDecoration: String,
columnTitleBackgroundColor: String,
columnTitlePadding: Number,
}, //End of Field Position
] //End of fields array
}, //End of Page
], //End of pages array
views: [
Object{ //View
type: String,
_id: String,
pages: PageObject
}, //End of File
], //End of files array
fields: [
Object{ //Field
file: String,
_id: String,
identifier: String,
type: String,
title: String,
value: Mixed,
matadata: Object,
rowOrder: [String, String, ...],
yTitle: String,
yMin: Number,
yMax: Number,
xTitle: String,
xMin: Number,
xMax: Number,
options: Array[
_id: String,
value: String,
], //end of options
tableColumnOrder: [String, ...],
tableColumns: Array[
title: String,
type: String,
identifier: String,
value: String,
options: Array[
_id: String,
value: String,
], //end of options array
maxImageWidth: Number,
maxImageHeight: Number,
}, //end of column object
], //end of tableColumns array
},//End of Field
] //End of fields array
}//End of Document
Document Properties
Name | Type | Description |
_id | String | Must be a Joyfill internally generated ID. DO NOT manually set this value. Cannot be used with a custom value. Should be used for reference only. Example: 642529511e4ec1adeb444111 |
identifier | String | The identifier specifies an ID or some other value that helps you connect and uniquely identify the associated resource between Joyfill and your own system. Can be a custom value or if left blank the identifier will be auto generated by Joyfill. Example: doc_642529511e4ec1adeb444111 |
group | String | Specifies the identifier of the Joyfill Group that this document is associated with. |
type | String ('document', 'template') | Specifies document category based on the functional usage. Learn more about the usage differences between the template and document type. |
stage | String ('draft', 'published') | Specifies the current stage of completion/visibility. |
name | String | Name to visually display for the document |
files | array_objects | Array of JoyDoc File objects |
File Properties
Name | Type | Description |
_id | String | Must be a Joyfill internally generated ID. DO NOT manually set this value. Cannot be used with a custom value. Should be used for reference only. Example: 642529511e4ec1adeb444111 |
identifier | String | The identifier specifies an ID or some other value that helps you connect and uniquely identify the associated resource between Joyfill and your own system. Can be a custom value or if left blank the identifier will be auto generated by Joyfill. Example: file_642529511e4ec1adeb444111 |
name | String | Name to visually display for the file |
styles | Object | Object of default styles to apply to all JoyDoc Fields within the JoyDoc File. See Field style properties to see what style options are available. |
pages | array_objects | Array of JoyDoc Page objects |
views | array_objects | Array of JoyDoc View objects |
View Properties
Name | Type | Description |
_id | String | Must be a Joyfill internally generated ID. DO NOT manually set this value. Cannot be used with a custom value. Should be used for reference only. Example: 642529511e4ec1adeb444111 |
type | String ('mobile') | Specifies the intended device or experience the view is targeted at. |
pages | array_objects | Array of JoyDoc Page objects |
Page Properties
Name | Type | Description |
_id | String | Must be a Joyfill internally generated ID. DO NOT manually set this value. Cannot be used with a custom value. Should be used for reference only. Example: 642529511e4ec1adeb444111 |
identifier | String | The identifier specifies an ID or some other value that helps you connect and uniquely identify the associated resource between Joyfill and your own system. Can be a custom value or if left blank the identifier will be auto generated by Joyfill. Example: page_642529511e4ec1adeb444111 |
name | String | Name to visually display in page list. |
width | Number | Page width in pixels. |
height | Number | Page height in pixels. |
layout | String ('grid', 'float') | Layout mode for page fields |
rowHeight | Number | Row heights for the page grid. |
cols | Number | Column count for the page grid |
presentation | String ('normal', 'transparent') | Visual display style of fields |
margin | Number | Page margin in pixels |
padding | Number | Page padding in pixels |
borderWidth | Number | Page border width in pixels |
borderColor | String | Page border color in HEX |
borderStyle | String ('solid', 'double', 'dashed') | Page border style |
fieldPosition | array_objects | Array of JoyDoc Page Field Position objects |
Field Position Properties
Name | Type | Description |
_id | String | Must be a Joyfill internally generated ID. DO NOT manually set this value. Cannot be used with a custom value. Should be used for reference only. Example: 642529511e4ec1adeb444111 |
field | String | Specifies ID of linked Field. Must be a Joyfill internally generated ID. DO NOT manually set this value. Cannot be used with a custom value. Should be used for reference only. Example: 642529511e4ec1adeb444111 |
type | String ('text', 'textarea', 'number', 'date', 'multiSelect', 'dropdown', 'block', 'image', 'signature', 'table', 'inputGroup', 'chart') | Primary type of a field. The primary type determines core functionality for the field. |
displayType | String ('text', 'circle', 'square', 'check', 'radio', 'original', 'horizontal') | Display type of a field. Determines visual functionality for a field. |
width | Number | Number of Page columns to utilize for the field. |
height | Number | Number of Page rows to utilize for the field. |
x | Number | Horizontally position the top left corner of a field at Page column number. |
y | Number | Vertically position the top left corner of a field at Page row number. |
condition | String ('equals') | Condition to determine visual selection status of a selector displayType Field. |
targetValue | String | JoyDoc Field Option ID |
targetValueDisplayType | String ('original', 'custom') | Specifies whether or not to overwrite the default JoyDoc Field Option display text with a true/false custom text value. |
customTrueTargetDisplayValue | String | Specifies the custom display text overwrite for a true selection state. |
customFalseTargetDisplayValue | String | Specifies the custom display text overwrite for a false selection state. |
invertBooleanCondition | Boolean | Invert the conditional selection state of a selector displayType Field. |
rowIndex | Number | Specifies the linked rowIndex of an individually placed JoyDoc Field Table Cell. |
column | String | Specifies the linked JoyDoc Field Table Column ID of an individually placed JoyDoc Field Table Cell. |
primaryDisplayOnly | Boolean | Visually display only the primary part of the JoyDoc Field. |
primaryMaxWidth | Number | Max width in pixels of the primary part of the JoyDoc Field. |
primaryMaxHeight | Number | Max width in pixels of the primary part of the JoyDoc Field. |
maxImageWidth | Number | Max width in pixels of the internal image. |
maxImageHeight | Number | Max height in pixels of the internal image. |
titleFontSize | Number | Font size in pixels of JoyDoc Field title. |
titleFontColor | String | Font color in Hex of JoyDoc Field title. |
titleFontStyle | String ('normal', 'italic') | Font style of JoyDoc Field title. |
titleFontWeight | String ('normal', 'bold') | Font weight of JoyDoc Field title. |
titleTextAlign | String ('left', 'center', 'right') | Text align of JoyDoc Field title. |
titleTextTransform | String ('none', 'uppercase') | Text transform of JoyDoc Field title. |
titleTextDecoration | String ('none', 'underline') | Text decoration of JoyDoc Field title. |
lineHeight | String | Percentage to utilize for each line out of a total 100% |
fontSize | Number | Font size in pixels of JoyDoc Field element. |
fontColor | Number | Font color in Hex of JoyDoc Field element. |
fontStyle | String ('normal', 'italic') | Font style of JoyDoc Field element. |
fontWeight | String ('normal', 'bold') | Font weight of JoyDoc Field element. |
textAlign | String ('left', 'center', 'right') | Text align of JoyDoc Field element. |
textTransform | String ('none', 'uppercase') | Text transform of JoyDoc Field element. |
textDecoration | String ('none', 'underline') | Text decoration of JoyDoc Field element. |
textOverflow | String (null, 'ellipsis') | Text overflow of JoyDoc Field element. |
padding | Number | Padding in pixels of JoyDoc Field element. |
borderColor | String | Border color in Hex of JoyDoc Field element. |
borderRadius | Number | Border radius in pixels of JoyDoc Field element. |
borderWidth | Number | Border width in pixels of the JoyDoc Field element. |
backgroundColor | String | Background color in HEX of the JoyDoc Field element. |
zIndex | Number | z index position relative to other JoyDoc Fields. |
columnTitleFontSize | String | Font size of the table columns in the JoyDoc Field. |
columnTitleFontColor | String | Font color of the table columns in the JoyDoc Field. |
columnTitleFontStyle | String ('normal', 'italic') | Font style of the table columns in the JoyDoc Field. |
columnTitleFontWeight | String ('normal', 'bold') | Font weight of the table columns in the JoyDoc Field. |
columnTitleTextAlign | String ('left', 'center', 'right') | Text align of the table columns in the JoyDoc Field. |
columnTitleTextTransform | String ('none', 'uppercase') | Text transform of the table columns in the JoyDoc Field. |
columnTitleTextDecoration | String ('none', 'underline') | Text decoration of the table columns in the JoyDoc Field. |
columnTitleBackgroundColor | String | Background color in HEX of the table columns in the JoyDoc Field. |
columnTitlePadding | Number | Padding in pixels of the table columns in the JoyDoc field. |
Field Properties
Name | Type | Description |
_id | String | Must be a Joyfill internally generated ID. DO NOT manually set this value. Cannot be used with a custom value. Should be used for reference only. Example: 642529511e4ec1adeb444111 |
file | String | Must be a Joyfill internally generated ID. DO NOT manually set this value. Cannot be used with a custom value. Should be used for reference only. Example: 642529511e4ec1adeb444111 |
identifier | String | The identifier specifies an ID or some other value that helps you connect and uniquely identify the associated resource between Joyfill and your own system. Can be a custom value or if left blank the identifier will be auto generated by Joyfill. Primarily used for data mapping in the API. Example: field_642529511e4ec1adeb444111 |
type | String ('text', 'textarea', 'number', 'date', 'multiSelect', 'dropdown', 'block', 'image', 'signature', 'table', 'inputGroup', 'chart') | Primary type of a field. The primary type determines core functionality for the field. |
title | String | Field title. |
value | Mixed | Field value |
rowOrder | array_strings | Array of JoyDoc of Row IDs inside Table Field value property. |
options | array_objects | Array of JoyDoc Field Option objects. |
tableColumns | array_objects | Array of JoyDoc Field Table Column objects. |
tableColumnOrder | array_strings | Array of JoyDoc Field Table Column IDs. |
metadata | Object | Object |
yTitle | String | Vertical title for JoyDoc Fields with type 'chart'. |
yMax | Number | Vertical max value for JoyDoc Fields with type 'chart'. |
yMin | Number | Vertical min value for JoyDoc Fields with type 'chart'. |
xTitle | String | Horizontal title for JoyDoc Fields with type 'chart'. |
xMax | Number | Horizontal max value for JoyDoc Fields with type 'chart'. |
xMin | Number | Horizontal min value for JoyDoc Fields with type 'chart'. |
Important Note: You're not limited to or required to follow this data structure internally. You can store your data any way you like in your internal system.
Updated 12 days ago