There are two different types of users within Joyfill: Organization Users and Group User. Learn about the two different types of users here: Users Overview

Create Organization User

Do not pass in a group identifier to the request body param. By leaving it empty you tell the API that the new user should be an organization user.

Create Group User

  • Create user for existing group - Pass the custom or Joyfill auto generated Group identifier, (The identifier is saved on the Joyfill Group under the group.identifier property) to the request body group param.
  • Create user for non-existent group
    • Option 1: Create a new group via the Group API or Joyfill Manager and then use that new group in the create user request. See "Create user for existing group" above once you've created your new group.
    • Option 2: Pass a custom unique identifier to the request body group param. This will create a brand new group with the specified identifier and automatically assign the new user to that new group and respond with the new user object.