Release 3.12.0 (July 26, 2024)


  • Enhanced mobile device responsive web forms (NO-592)
  • Fix for invalid JSON payload freezing SDK (NO-613)

Release 3.11.0 (July 21, 2024)


  • Added getDefaultPage helper method (#NO-604)
  • Removed vulnerable dependencies (#NO-604)

Release 3.10.0 (July 10, 2024)


  • Updated JS SDK Internals (NO-528)
  • Add loading indicator for image / file uploads (NO-298)
    Uploads Unveiled! Say goodbye to upload anxiety! A shiny new loading indicator lets you know exactly when your precious images and files are on their way.
  • Enhanced table column settings (NO-352)
  • Added support for scaling pdf background images (NO-470)

Release 3.9.1 (May 13, 2024)


Your Color Picker Just Leveled Up (Can See Through Walls Now!) (NO-451)

  • The struggle is real... no more pretending white is "almost transparent" enough!
  • We finally added transparent color support to the Settings Color Picker. Now you can create designs that are truly see-through awesome (because who needs walls anyway?).

Adjust height of field scroll selector (NO-522)

  • This release adds the necessary styles that would prevent the menu items of field identifiers from overflowing their wrapper making it look messy

Release 3.9.0 (May 4, 2024)


This update is so fly, it'll make your form builder blush.

  • File Upload Field: Level Up Your Uploading Game (NO-498)
    • Forget the days of clicking "Browse" and praying your file finds its way. We've revolutionized the file upload field with features so cool, that they'll make your grandma say "What in the internet is that?"
      • Multiple files? Bring it on! We're like a buffet for your digital documents.
      • Drag-and-drop? Yes, please! Your files will be uploaded faster than you can say "convenience."
      • Your files your Style: Unleash the Data Fashionista Within! Choose styles, colors, and layouts that match your unique look.
      • Conditional Logic: Tailor your data flow to each user's unique needs, like showing cat videos only to cat people.
  • Default values for table columns fixed (NO-499)
    • No More Hide-and-Seek! Your default values will now show up like a magician pulling a rabbit out of a hat (except less fluffy).
  • Identifier Filter is not clearing post search (NO-492)
    • We Evicted the Sticky Residue! Your search results will no longer be haunted by the ghosts of past searches.
  • Enable/Disable Field Settings Options (NO-479)
    • Introducing the On/Off Switch for your field settings! You can hide any setting now by passing it as false in the field settings object and they will vanish instantly.
  • Page loading bug (NO-484)
    • We've solved the mysterious loading indicator that haunted the Form builder after deleting the current page so there is no more unnecessary confusion or ghostly loading animations.
  • The "Exports is Undefined" Mystery Solved! (NO-494)
    • We've cracked the case of the missing "Exports" It turns out it was nothing more than a digital ghost story. We've banished it to the land of forgotten bugs.

Release 3.8.0 (April 2, 2024)


Bug Squashing Bonanza!

  • We heard you! We have fixed a bug where the option width couldn’t be removed from multi-select fields (NO-459)
  • We’ve squashed a bug that caused the SDK to crash when encountering invalid JoyDoc payloads (NO-432).
  • Identifier Enhancements (NO-469)
    • Customize identifiers your way! You can now enable or disable custom identifier creation.
    • Filter fix! We’ve wrestled with a pesky bug where identifier filter results wouldn’t clear after you removed your search query. Now your filters will reset properly, making it easier to find exactly what you’re looking for.
  • We’ve made some subtle adjustments to the interface to create a cleaner and more streamlined look (NO-433).
    • Field margin control for a polished look.
    • Default page padding for a consistent design.
    • Read-only mode to make any field read-only by the read-only option on field settings.

Release 3.7.1 (Mar 11, 2024)


  • Spring cleaning! We tidied up some errors for a sparkling console (NO-398)
  • Unleash the PDF Beast! Our new developer-friendly SDK lets you forge PDFs with ease (NO-355)
  • Say goodbye to drab, hello to fab! SDK Themes are here to elevate your forms! (NO-396)
  • Performance on point! This update fine-tunes your experience for improved smoothness (NO-450)
  • New Look, Who Dis? We've revamped your favorite SDK for a stunning experience (NO-58)

Release 3.6.1(Feb 19,2024)


  • Fix to prevent crashes after Loading External Form (NO-395)

Release 3.6.0 (Feb 6,2024)


  • Added support for original file dimensions in PDF Form Engine (NO-349)
  • Enabled text wrapping for text based fields (NO-307)
  • Field icon added to field settings(NO-315)
  • Fix for display corresponding field settings of individual table cells when focused (NO-310)
  • Style fix to ensure field wrapping doesn’t cut off text within pdf and pdf exports (NO-107)
  • Fix for hidden property causing validation issue in older SDK version (NO-377)

Release 3.5.0 (Dec 16, 2023)


  • Conditional logic (#NO-288)
  • onFocus and onBlur event handlers now supported in SDK (#NO-223)
  • Support for initialPageId on SDK for setting the initial page when the form is displayed (#NO-297)
  • Enhancements to PDF exports (#NO-250)
  • Enhancements to responsive web view for mobile form filling (#NO-252)
  • PDF form view enhancements (#NO-279)
  • Enhancements to required field indicators (#NO-295)
  • Style fix for Identifier selector (#NO-278)

Breaking Changes

  • Improved vanilla JS implementation for JS modules and CDN approach. See new implementation methods below (#NO-277)

Javascript Usage (CDN)

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Joyfill for Javascript Example</title>
    <base href=".">
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <script src=" https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@joyfill/components@latest/dist/joyfill.min.js"></script>
    <div id="joyfill"></div>

          mode: 'edit',
          onChange: (changelogs, doc) => console.log('onChange: ', changelogs, doc),


Javascript Usage (Module)


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Joyfill for Javascript Example</title>
    <base href=".">
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <div id="joyfill"></div>
    <script type="module" src="./index.js"></script>


import Joyfill from "@joyfill/components/dist/joyfill.min.js";

    mode: 'edit',
    onChange: (changelogs, doc) => console.log('onChange: ', changelogs, doc),

Release 3.4.2 (Oct 19, 2023)


  • Fix for chart field label read-only error in build.
  • Misc enhancements and bug fixes.

Release 3.4.1 (Oct 18, 2023)


  • Identifier selector field customization. Learn more https://docs.joyfill.io/docs/customize-settings (NO-87)
  • PDF dynamic field measurement enhancements (NO-113)
  • Auto remove individual table cell field positions associated with deleted columns (NO-254)
  • Misc enhancements and bug fixes

Release 3.3.1 (Oct 4, 2023)


  • Page duplication support with page menu and duplicatePage helper method (#NO-95)
  • Table field now supports image uploading directly to table image cells (#NO-114)
  • Field tooltips now supported for additional field context and instructions (#NO-130)
  • Misc enhancements and bug fixes

Release 3.2.0 (Sep 12, 2023)


  • Joyfill template library UI and visual requirements support (#NO-17)
  • Table columns are responsive by default now (#NO-17)
  • Added field groups display mode for table fields (#NO-17)
  • Added rich text field support (#NO-17)
  • Multi image upload adds the to current images and no longer overwrites them (#NO-149)
  • Table field settings enhancements (#NO-163)
  • Signature is properly scaled to fit within field dimensions (#NO-172)

Release 3.1.0 (Aug 22, 2023)


  • Multi-user collaboration support via changelogs.
  • Changelogs are now passed directly to the onChange handler. See package README.
  • Added helper methods for generating and duplicating documents and templates. See package README.
    • getDefaultDocument get a default Joyfill Document.
    • getDefaultTemplate get a default Joyfill Template.
    • getDocumentFromTemplate get a Joyfill Document generated from a Joyfill Template.
    • duplicate duplicate a Joyfill Document or Template. Useful for adding a template from your library to an individual group.
  • Field lazy loading. See package README

Breaking Changes

  • onChange argument list has been changed. onChange now only receives two arguments: changelogs and doc. See README.